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Southern Methodist University

June 27, 2025

STUDENTS: Email your CSO to register for Sunbelt
EMPLOYERS: Recruit outstanding JD students and recent JD graduates from 17 participating schools


To ensure the safety of our participating students and employers, the Sunbelt Recruitment Program will continue to monitor the situation and comply with CDC, State of Texas, and

SMU guidelines for this job fair.

Employer registration will open on March 17, 2025, and student bidding will begin on May 2, 2025. 


The Sunbelt Recruitment Program seeks to provide job access opportunities to JD students and recent JD graduates who may be otherwise at risk of being underserved in the job market with a goal of creating greater diversity in our law schools and job opportunities through law school efforts. All JD students of participating law schools may attend the Sunbelt Recruitment Program. JD students/graduates of diverse racial, ethnic, national origin, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation and identification, and religions are particularly encouraged to attend. For a list of participating schools, click here.

Policy on Discrimination: The Sunbelt Recruitment Program Committee is committed to a policy against discrimination in employment based on age, sex, sexual preference, race, handicap, veteran status, or national origin. Job Fair services are available only to those employers whose practices are in agreement with this policy. By registering, employers affirm their intent to comply with this policy.



Employer registration opens on March 17, 2025, on the Sunbelt 12Twenty Module.  The registration deadline will be on April 30, 2025.

If you have previously registered on the Sunbelt 12Twenty Module and have forgotten your password, please select the "Forgot my password" tab and enter your e-mail in the username field. A password will be generated to you via e-mail. **Please note that your password for this 12Twenty module is not the same password for any other 12Twenty module you may use. **


Payment for registration is due on April 30, 2025. Payment should be submitted to:

Katherine Mikkelson, J.D. 
Assistant Director for Career and Professional Development
UNT Dallas College of Law
106 South Harwood, Suite 220
Dallas, Texas 7520




Platinum Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
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​​​​Please contact Kim Underdown if you are interested in sponsoring a part of the Sunbelt Recruitment Program.




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